oldpway.info Extant page

This page lists places where old permanent way exists, including museums and other locations. It details what is there and it links to on-line photographs on oldpway.info.

See also the Lists Guide page for lists of objects held at museums etc.

List of extant sites

The list is arranged by location, alphabetically by country, county and then town.
British Isles
England, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Wales.
Australia, USA.


Isle of Wight, ??, Isle of Wight Steam Railway, Address details. Website. Photos.

Description of what is there.

Somerset, ??, Address details. Photos.

Description of what is there.

Suffolk, ??, Address details. Photos.

Description of what is there.

Yorkshire, Darlington, Track in park Address details. Photos.

Description of what is there.

Yorkshire, Darlington, North Road Museum, Address details. Website. Photos.

Description of what is there.

Yorkshire, York, National Railway Museum, Address details. Website. Photos.

The NRM holds a lot of permanent way objects, drawings and photos. Some objects are on display in the Main Hall and the "Warehouse" but many are not on public display. Drawings have to be requested from "Search Engine".
A list of permanent way objects at the NRM and other parts of the NMSI is here.
A list of permanent way drawings at the NRM is here.

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland


